Tuesday, March 4, 2014

IKEA in Pisa

Oversized living room, IKEA advertising, piazza Cavour, Livorno
Tomorrow a new Ikea store is opening in Pisa, while in Livorno retail shops keep closing. The Swedish giant put up an oversized living room in Piazza Cavour to remind us to flock to the opening.


  1. Weird. Doesn't speak to me at all. But then I guess it's all about volume.

  2. Sad to lose small shops. This "sculpture" has a great deal of humor. Well spotted.

  3. I will never understand what we will have gained when all the small independent shops have finally closed down and we all live in Ikea and Habitat-land.

  4. A different advertisement...when I see it I guess they are saying "yes, we are BIG" :)

  5. Big big BIG. Where are the giants to sit there?
    Even Israel will get its third IKEA in a few months, near Haifa. I've never been in any of them.

  6. I totally agree with Ciel. Independent shops keep closing here too!

  7. Ugh - I stay away from Ikea as much as possible. I hate the crowds.
    Luckily there are still plenty of smaller shops here in Berlin. I am even sometimes surprised how specialized they can be!

  8. Ikea are good at marketing!:)
    I like some of their furniture, but I can get lost in there!

  9. IKEA and Italy don't seem to go together . . .

  10. Goodness me Ikea are taking over the world.. as yet we only have one BIG Ikea store here, but I fear more are 'incubating' somewhere in the suburbs :)

  11. I agree with Ciel,and sad to hear that you keep on losing your small shops.

  12. I like IKEA kind of furniture, which is now global. It reminds me on the Northern woods.

  13. Son curiosa di vedere l'Ikea, ho letto di code e assalti! Ciao, Arianna
