Monday, March 31, 2014

S.M. Pontino

San Marco Pontino boat, Livorno
It is barely spring, but the crews of the various quarters are already training for the next rowing season. Here are the rowers of San Marco Pontino, seen from the Fortezza Nuova.
San Marco Pontino boat, Livorno
The same crew, a few days ago, at the entrance of the port.

See also: Trofeo D'Alesio 2011 - Red and Yellow - San Marco Pontino - Still Rowing - Warming Up


  1. Looks like a beautiful day in Livorno!

  2. The crew looks like they are having fun getting their coordination together. Fine photos.

  3. Wonderful! These are so nice VP.

  4. I've always loved your photos of water and boats. These are excellent. Got to give credit to the folks who work so hard to win a rowing contest. I'd guess this training does wonders for the arm and chest muscles! Maybe I ought to try it? :)

  5. Excellent photos, VP, even if this is not a sport for me...

  6. Too cold for me, but I'm happy to watch.

  7. You can feel the effort and the energy, especially in the second photo!
    And here I get to see the feet of the tetrapods that you got me interested in with your earlier link. Who knew tetrapods could be so interesting.
