Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Isthmus of Crocetta

Isthmus of Crocetta, Livorno
About a year and half ago I wrote about the non-bridge of Crocetta, the strange result of the works for the new canal in our historical Venice quarter. After four years since the dig started and a couple of years since it was completed, there is still a pile of dirt where a new bridge should have been. The reddish girder across the canal in foreground should have been one of the two projected footbridges, the other one is a grayish line just below the yellow building in background.
Isthmus of Crocetta, Livorno
The soil has now been secured with barriers and concrete, so the non-bridge has become an real isthmus.
Isthmus of Crocetta, Livorno
This will be another welcoming sign for the tourists coming in town from the new bus terminal, planned just outside the walls, across the isthmus.

See also: A New Canal - The Non-Bridge of Crocetta
Search labels: new canal
External links: Isthmus (Wikipedia)


  1. You have just got a new PM in Italy I heard on the news, but I guess he can`t do much.

    I guess it is just to wait and wait.

    In Norway we have a saying that the beginning is half of the work......

    Well, than it is just to wait for the other half.....

    Looks like you have got nice days with spring in the air. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. It is a sad sight and state of affairs to see but your sarcasm is great.

  3. Unfortunately we see these signs in other parts of Europe too. In my town, the Major started a lot of projects, so we have a lot of working points, which do not add to the impression people can get when coming in town. But I have to add that Timisoara is in competition to gain the title of Cultural European City, sometime in the distant future.

  4. So what's keeping them? Lack of €?
