Saturday, December 21, 2013

Five Years

Cartello di una giostra, piazza della Repubblica, Livorno
We are happy to celebrate Livorno Daily Photo's fifth anniversary: with 1829 posts and more than 4000 photos published, this is something we never imagined to achieve when we started the blog. Blogitalia says that we are the first non-commercial blog in the Province of Livorno: not bad for a photoblog in English.
A heartfelt hello to our friends, here in Livorno and in the rest of the world.

Anniversary posts: Anniversary Walk - Two Years - Three Years of PowerShots - Four Years
See also: Top Ranking Blog
External links: City Daily Photo (Portal) - Classifica blog provincia di Livorno (BlogItalia, in Italian)


  1. Congratulations on five years, that's a true feat! Beautiful colors here. A very Merry Christmas to you! (Happy that you could use the bench photo:)

  2. Congratulations! Looking forward to year 5.

  3. Five years and still going strong! Your dedication to blogging and to sharing your world is indeed an accomplishment to be proud of.
    Mazal tov, VP! "Ad 120."

  4. And such a happy colorful and unusual photo you give today to make us feel like celebrating.

  5. Congratulations VP!!!
    How du you celebrate this fifth anniversary? Do you?

  6. Dina - It is a detail of a carousel in piazza della Repubblica.
    Karl - I will celebrate not posting photos of Livorno for a few days...

  7. really...? I don't believe it...

  8. Congratulations! That's is quite an achievement, and I send you a high five! PS. Enjoy the first day of winter!! This Saturday is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, marking our shortest daylight period and longest night of the year. Have a lovely week-end!

  9. Happy blogiversary!!! Love this shot with all the color. A perfect way to celebrate. :)

  10. Congratulations my friend! Great job VP. So glad for you!

  11. No, no, no, you can't celebrate by stopping even for a few days!

    Happy birthday LDP!

    VDP will be 5 in January, I can't quite believe it either but I do still enjoy taking the photos...

  12. Congrats to five years of Livorno photos. It has been fun and interesting to read you posts over the last five years. Keep on blogging!

  13. Belated congratulations! Very cool shot.
