Sunday, August 25, 2013

Terme del Corallo

Architectural model by Franco Gizdulich, Terme del Corallo, Livorno
Being quite tired to show you old black and white postcards or the sad reality of today's ruins, I am going to show you the “Terme del Corallo” as they really were.
Architectural model by Franco Gizdulich, Terme del Corallo, Livorno
Franco Gizdulich, a Florence-based architect specialized in architectural models, kindly allowed me to use these images of his model of the “Terme del Corallo”.
Architectural model by Franco Gizdulich, Terme del Corallo, Livorno
The original model was made for Livorno's water utility and it is probably still at its headquarters.
Architectural model by Franco Gizdulich, Terme del Corallo, Livorno
[Images by Franco Gizdulich]
Search labels: spa
External links: Terme “Il Corallo” – Livorno (Franco Gizdulich, Architectural models)
See also: The Waters of Health - The Beauty of Decay - Parco delle Terme - The Waters of Health: Hallway - Spa Terrace - Hall of the Five Waters - Acquarium - Salubritatem aegris corporibus - Curator acquarum


  1. These are wonderful, VP!!! They remind me of models I saw and photographed outside of Amsterdam in April. Architectural models are fascinating. They resemble the real world, but they are so simple and clean and antiseptic.

  2. Absolutely amazing! These models take my breath away. I looked at Google Images for comparisons--thank you for your photos.

  3. So beautiful. Seeing this makes the present state of the place even more painful.

  4. Beautiful model of the structure. Great shots.

  5. As beautiful as they are, they make me sad...

  6. Simply fantastic! How beautiful.
