Sunday, August 11, 2013

Curator aquarum

Vintage postcard, Curator aquarum, management building, Terme del Corallo, Acque della Salute, Livorno
The spa management building sits opposite the “Acquarium” and once again the architects of the complex took inspiration from Sextus Julius Frontinus for the Latin inscription on the facade: Curator aquarum.
Vintage postcard, curator aquarum, management building, Terme del Corallo, Acque della Salute, Livorno
The sorry condition of the same building last June.
(Postcard digitized from the collection of Antonio Cantelli)

External links: Frontinus (Wikipedia) - de Aquaeductu Urbis Romae by Sestus Iulius Frontinus (in Latin)
Search labels: spa - postcard
See also: The Waters of Health - The Beauty of Decay - Parco delle Terme - The Waters of Health: Hallway - Spa Terrace - Hall of the Five Waters - Acquarium - Salubritatem aegris corporibus


  1. Just wondering, do they still teach Latin in Italian public schools; do many kids elect to take it?

  2. I'm in love with those Art Nouveau doors in your photo!

  3. This is such a great building! What a pity VP.

  4. Oh just give me some money and I'll restore it...

  5. I think I have read about this very rich man, Berlusconi .
    Perhaps he will donate the money?
    Joke aside.

    It is a unique and very pretty building.
    I hope they will restore it to the beauty it once was.
