Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Waste of Money

I am not a fan of bike sharing because I think the service has substantial hidden costs and even in the most succesful cases it is used only by a tiny fraction of a city's population. In Livorno that fraction seems to be zero, for an announced cost of 127.000 Euro.
Bike sharing station, piazza Cavour, Livorno
After eight months it is clear beyond any doubt that nobody uses these bicycles. I have asked around over and over, and no one I know has ever seen one of these things in motion. Even our otherwise hyperactive bicycle thieves and the many restless vandals keep neglecting them.

See also: Five-Thousand-Euro Bicycles - Bike Sharing - A Diabolical Endeavour


  1. Perfect bicycles all in a row. Strange that nobody uses them.

  2. The program here in Washington, D.C. got off to a slow start, but is now adding bicycles and stations rapidly.

  3. It would be interesting to see an objective cost-benefit analysis of bike sharing. It is a "feel good" program. I have never lived in a city with a bike sharing program operating, so I have never had first hand experience. But, from your photo, it does not seem that very many of these bikes are in use at present.

  4. Maybe they need to market to the people that feel strongly about living a more sustainable lifestyle. They do very well in Denver. I would use them if I were there. Maybe more people in your city enjoy walking more.

  5. Surely there are some tourists who would use them?

  6. Sounds like the city is just trying to keep up with the Joneses.

  7. Could it be that people don't feel safe riding a bike in the city? It is not enough to offer bikes, bikers need safe road, too.

    Bikes are ubiquitous in Vienna. The city offers special bike routes and goodwill towards those who move in an environmental friendly way. Even tourists use them.

  8. That does seem like a waste of 127,000 Euros VP.

  9. I don't think we have bike sharing, but wonder how it would work here...

  10. I'm sorry to hear that the program isn't working. I guess the people who really like to bike already have their own. :(

  11. VP the bike sharing system in DC is very successful.

  12. We have also a bike sharing service here in Bolzano, and it seems to work...

  13. Be the first....sail gainst the wind, My Friend.

  14. THey certainly do well in Paris I think. I know a lot of residents that use them as well as tourists. We should have them here as our only transit system...unreliable buses...leaves many people waiting.

  15. Oh dear, now that's a waste.

  16. What is wrong with the people of Livorno I wonder?

  17. It seems that authorities in every country, not just in mine, find ways to waste the public money...
