Monday, July 22, 2013

Church of Saint Julia

Church of Saint Julia, Livorno
The modest church of Santa Giulia, dedicated to the patron saint of Livorno, sits on the left of the Cathedral and can barely be seen from Piazza Grande. The works for the building began in 1602, under the direction of the Florentine architect Alessandro Pieroni. The original and beautifully carved coffered ceiling was lost in the devastation of the Second World War. A well-known Livornese saying says “Santa Giula fa l'elemosina al Duomo” (Saint Julia is giving alms to the Cathedral), and it is used to describe someone of modest means buying something for a better-off friend. (Picture taken last April)

See also: Saint Julia


  1. A stately church in these streets.

  2. The white color stands out nicely against the umber colors of its neighbors. It might be plain, but it is still handsome.

  3. There is always beauty in simplicity!

  4. It is rather refreshing to see a modest old church for a change.

    A nice idiom too.

  5. I agree with above VP, I'm drawn by it's understated simplicity, I would still be keen to see the interior.

  6. We had the earthquake in 1755, you had the bloody WWII!
