Thursday, December 6, 2012

That Maya Thing...

Gulls on a street lamp, Livorno
“Should we gulls be worried about this Maya thing?”


  1. Those two look like they are having quite the moment together.

  2. If anything survives, gulls survive.

  3. I don't think so... It's the thing that should be worried.

  4. The seagulls have nothing to worry about. It is true that we can speak a long time about all the changes around us, during the last 10-20 years or so. Perhaps such phenomenon have been observed for many years but the communication and media have not been so advanced to spread the news so rapidly. And not too much scientific public talk either. And so on...Anyhow, it would be a pity to happen just one day before my birthday:)

  5. Is that today? Guess I should just lay off trying to work out this new job for awhile. :)

  6. ... to be a bird, and be able just to fly away.

    Guess we will see some rather strange things in the next few weeks. Please have a good Friday.

  7. The light just look like they were made for gulls. The one on the left is saying, "Hey, let's go mess up some cars."

  8. The Maya Thing! LOL! Now I see what you mean. :-)
