Friday, December 7, 2012

Second Place?

Dutch Church, Chiesa degli Olandesi, Livorno
On November 30 “The Places I Love” census has finally come to an end. Looking at the online votes our Dutch Church is only fourth, but there are still a lot of paper votes to be officially counted, and this will take time. Snooping around I have found some interesting data on local websites, which I summarize in the following table:

Place Online votesPaper votesTotal
Reggia di Carditello35652500028565
Parco e Castello di Miramare31092000023109
Castello Svevo27271300015727
Tempio della Congregazione Olandese Alemanna20232400026023

At best, this is an educated guess based on available and unconfirmed data, but Livorno will come out a close second. Thanks to everyone who has helped us!

External links (in Italian):
Nelle mani delle associazioni più di 25mila firme
Ora faremo pesare i ventimila voti raccolti per Miramare
Circa 13.000 le segnalazioni per il Castello Svevo
Più di 24000 firme per salvare la Chiesa degli Olandesi


  1. I'm glad to hear there were also paper votes. So second place will also get some funding? I hope so!

  2. You've certainly brought Livorno to my attention. I knew nothing of it before and now I know it's beautiful and interesting with an immense variety of architecture and history.

  3. I hope the church gets ahead with the paper votes. It deserves some TLC!

  4. I'm glad with the resilt. This could offer some help with reconstruction work.

  5. So what happens if it's second? It just crumbles?

  6. The church looks pretty, and the windows are very special.

  7. Good luck. Has the fat lady sung yet?

  8. It's such a beautiful building! I hope it will be saved.
