Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata

Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata, church of the Most Holy Annunciation, chiesa dei Greci Uniti, via della Madonna, LivornoThe “Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata” (Church of the Most Holy Annunciation) in “Via della Madonna” is also known as “Chiesa dei Greci Uniti” (United Greeks Church).Cleaning up the facade of the Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata, church of the Most Holy Annunciation, chiesa dei Greci Uniti, via della Madonna, LivornoThe whole building is actually undergoing a thorough process of restoration: here we can clearly see the contrast between the part of the facade already cleaned and the rest.

See also: United Greeks - Inside United Greeks


  1. Nice to see that it is being taken care of.

  2. Seems like they are doing a great job!

  3. it will be quite beautiful when completely cleaned!

  4. When they finish, it will be stunning!!!

  5. What a beauty. I love all of the details.

  6. Isn't it amazing how much dirt we produce?

  7. Before and after--what a difference.

  8. A street with this name must have a church!

    I know monumental buildings have to be cleaned but I am upset whenever my objective is surrounded by scaffolding and it happens often:)

  9. Getting a make over, I see! She's going to be gorgeous when the restoration is over :D

  10. Beautiful building and will look great after restoration!

  11. It's very pretty. I'm glad it's getting restored.

  12. Un contrasto simile lo vidi a Roma in piazza Esedra anni fa: un palazzo per metà tutto ripulito e l'altra metà nera! Bella questa chiesa però che c'entrano i greci? Buon we, Arianna

  13. It's amazing how much dirt accumulates on the buildings just from normal city life, it's going to look so fresh and gorgeous when it's completed.
