Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tall Ships Walk

Training ship Palinuro, LivornoMy last walk on Livornese soil was at the end of August, you saw it in three installments during our holidays. The following pictures were taken aboard the two training ships actually in port, a short but very rewarding walk beginning with a polished compass on the “Palinuro”.Training ship Palinuro, Livorno“Faventibus ventis” is the Latin for “by favourable winds”, which is the motto of the ship.Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, LivornoA brass cover, this time on board the “Amerigo Vespucci”.Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, LivornoEverything is neatly arranged on the deck of the “Vespucci”.Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, LivornoBeyond the polished brass and the netting, a view of the port.

External links: Amerigo Vespucci (Wikipedia)
See also: Palinuro - Faventibus Ventis - Palinuro and Vespucci
Search labels: Amerigo Vespucci
More Walks


  1. Wonderful post VP. Great your images.

  2. All of these photos share a common subject: well polished and well preserved equipment on the ship.

  3. ahhh, the details. That is what I love the most. Good job.

  4. It's the little things that count.
    And add to the ship's richness.

  5. wow I like so much the reflections that you captured in these pictures, mainly the first one!
    Léia :)

  6. Thanks for the beautiful inside photos! What an order aboard and how shinny everything is!

  7. Everything is just so immaculate VP, how lucky you were to go aboard such beautiful ships.

  8. I just love these old ships. What beautiful details!!

  9. Wonderful to see all the detail on such a magnificent ship

  10. Amazingly beautiful details. The finely turned wooden containers of the ropes are exquisite.

  11. Shiny and grand! I love that brass cover :D

  12. What a great post, VP, all shots are fantastic! Great details.
