Sunday, July 31, 2011

Effetto Venezia, Again

Effetto Venezia 2011, LivornoIt is that time of the year again, “Effetto Venezia” has begun. They said that this time there wes no money for it, but sadly they found it somehow.
This year's theme is “France” and this could be enough to diminish my unremitted love for that country. By the way, the colors of the French flag are upside down, and we'll see this quite often...Effetto Venezia 2011, LivornoSo last year's Torquemada stage, the staircase of our town hall, is now dedicated to Nostradamus, strange guys feel at home there...

See also: Effetto Venezia - Venezia Makes Effect - White Night - Caballeria Rusticana - No Regrets - Kindred Spirit


  1. They just need to tilt the rooster to get the flag right.

    I remember reading that this wasn't a festival that you enjoyed. I hope you can enjoy it a little...

  2. Once again VP! Hopefully they will have something that you will like this year.

  3. I might dare to say, that there's some small amount of joy, happiness between the lines.

    Please have a good Sunday.

  4. Well, just relax and enjoy the festival, VP. It will soon be over.

  5. I really like the Nostradamus banner, oh and the chicken too.

  6. What a handsome, upside down French rooster! Enjoy the festival!

  7. So, there will be a lot of crowing around town?
    They pick the strangest "celebrities" for the town hall staircase!

  8. L'Effetto Venezia non ti piace eh? Anch'io pensavo non lo facessero per mancanza di liquidi, poi ben gli sta ai francesi lo scambio di colori ;) buona domenica, Arianna

  9. So is that you in a 'bad mood' with the for the rest of the week VP, will we be able to tell? Chill out and go with the flow haha! (easy to say hey, I'm not the one trying to find a parking spot!!)

  10. Lol, I can't wait for more!

    Signed: a frog.

  11. Made be SMILE, both your photos and your text, as well as the other comments!:)
