Friday, June 3, 2011

Republic Day

Parachutists, piazza della Repubblica, LivornoJune 2nd is the date of birth of the Italian Republic. In 1946, 86 years after the unification of Italy under the House of Savoy, the Italian people, with a referendum, chose the republic instead of monarchy.Parachutists, piazza della Repubblica, LivornoLocal ceremonies usually start with a jump of paratroopers flying the Italian flag and some other standards, like this one with the coat of arms of the “Carabinieri”.Parachutists, piazza della Repubblica, LivornoHere we can see a huge standard of the Folgore Parachute Brigade, whose headquarters is in Livorno.Parachutists, piazza della Repubblica, LivornoThe standard of the 1st Regiment Carabinieri Tuscania, also based in Livorno.


  1. Wonderful pictures VP. These are great!

  2. always two hands of air beneath.

    many great years ahead for you all.

    daily athens

  3. Nice shots, VP, but I will NEVER understand people's willingness to jump out of airplanes.

  4. Now that looks like fun but scary too.

  5. Very exciting pictures.
    How fortunate for a city blogger to have paratroopers stationed in his city.

  6. Anniversario festeggiato con grandi esibizioni da parte dei nostri militari, io ho cantato l'inno allo stadio (Reggina-Novara )รจ stato molto commovente celebrare la nostra giovane nazione. Auguri Italiani e viva la Repubblica!!!!!!!

  7. Isn't it good to fly? Or in this case, fall? Fantastic set of shots.

  8. Auguri!

    A nice series, and an educative one for us: we learn about different symbols here. Thank you, VP!

  9. Breathtaking!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  10. I'm with Jack VP, looks like heaps of fun, with LOOK being the operative word haha!

  11. Happy birthday to the republic!

    Great photos of the paratroopers, VP!

  12. I hope they all landed safely! Fantastic shots!

  13. Very nice action shots!
    - Happy celebrations in Italy!
    Greetings from Gunn

  14. What a fun way to spend an afternoon.

  15. Talking about referendum... I tried ti decipher the current one with some Italian friends of mine, the 4 colored leaflets... Nobody's got an idea about what to vote, it's all Chinese to us... Even the Italian Consulate here did not have any information leaflet in a clear language about it.

  16. Great photos from the celebrations.
