Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Belforte Bookstore

Belforte bookshop, LivornoA few days ago, the well known “Belforte” bookshop moved from its historic premises in “Via Grande” to another location nearby, in “Via della Madonna”. Here are the decorated new shutters.Belforte bookshop plaque, LivornoEstabilished in 1805, Salomone Belforte & C. is also a publishing house. Their motto, “Et voluisse sat est”, comes from an elegy by Sextus Propertius and translates as: it is enough to have had the determination.

External links: Salomone Belforte & C. (Website) - Sextus Propertius (Wikipedia)


  1. Only good that I don't own a credit card, as I would probably charge it to the max. while passing such a store.

    May time and life treat it kind.

    daily athens

  2. I adore a bookstore. The books, the smell, the quiet....all so wonderful.

  3. Bookstores are the best! You can always find a treasure.

  4. I'm glad that the store moved and remains active. In the USA, independent booksellers are endangered and many are closing.

  5. Interesting how things change, go away and sometimes come back. Nice that descendants started the company again! At least they're still available just in a different location! Interesting photos...the plaque is quite lovely, hope it goes with them!

  6. In think that I would like this place at either the former or current location.

  7. Shop fronts are of endless interest.

    If only it were true that it is enough to have had determination!


  8. I like the murals on the doors. Always loved a book store---could stay for hours. MB

  9. The motto and the shutters are very inviting and interesting, any chance of seeing the inside one day?

  10. Looks nice, and a place I would have taken a look at.
    In the "old days" when I used to send snail mail, and not e-mail I used to LOVE thick Italian writing papers, with watermarks and rough edges..... made in the Amalfi area..(?) Those were the days. Gosh it sounds like I am close to hundred!:)
    Anyway, I like both the old style and the new style!
    I think it is GREAT that small companies manage to be independent! Here many companies do not manage.

  11. I love bookstores... and there are no English ones in our area. So I just go in, look around, and leave. I could buy French, but alas... I'd rather read in my native tongue. ;)

    Beautiful color!

  12. Perfect doors for a bookstore! I hope they are even more successful in their new location.

  13. Those are shutters?? That you pull up to open? The most beautiful I've ever seen!

  14. What a great idea for a bookstore shutter!

  15. I like bookstores wherever they are, but this new location does look fine as you've captured it. That motto is food for thought.

  16. Charming sigh and great motto, a place that I would love to visit for sure, as I'm a big fan of bookstores!

  17. I hope the new location is good for book sales!

  18. I love it! The shutters are so creative ;D

  19. Good idea to paint the shutters with books!
