Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Open Bridge

Superyacht Bistango passing the swing bridge, LivornoThe faraway end of the “Molo Mediceo” is my favorite part of the port and where the pilots are based. To reach it one has to cross a swing bridge, almost always closed to allow traffic through.Superyacht Bistango passing the swing bridge, LivornoI caught it open a few days ago, while the superyacht “Bistango” was coming back into the “Darsena Nuova” (New Harbor), where she is normally berthed.

See also: Pilots - Swing Bridge - Bistango & Reborn


  1. Ciao VP, that is one fantastic yacht!
    Could I just have the $$$s it cost to buy and maintain this beauty?

  2. A spectacular boat...or ship I should say.

  3. Feels huge indeed.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

    daily athens

  4. OH MY! That really IS a super yacht!

  5. It is indeed a beautiful ship, and it has elegant lines.

  6. I like the line of the bridge and how it becomes a diving board! :-)

  7. She has STYLE!:)

    I will welcome here to Stavanger!:)
    ( We will also have "The Tall Ships Race 2011" this summer.)

  8. I remember that yacht. I like the top photo with the swing bridge.

  9. Fascinating stuff, this and your links to other posts.
    I was already 22 when I first learned (aboard the Enotria) that pilots were not only for airplanes.

  10. Nice yacht, "Bistango"! It would be cool to go around the world in such a boat!

  11. I love it! You know how I love all these boats bigger and smaller:)

  12. Someone once told me that better than owning a boat (or yacht) is to be friends with a yacht's owner... :)
    God bless you!

  13. Super yacht, for sure.
    Most of our rivers and waterways have some type of swing or draw bridge. Nice to watch them open to let marine traffic through--unless you are stuck in car traffic. LOL MB
