Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome Back Pogoria

Pogoria training ship, LivornoOnce in a while the training ship “Pogoria” comes back to Livorno.Pogoria training ship, LivornoThe Polish barquentine is based in Genoa and usually sails in the Mediterranean, to take part to some Tall Ship Races in summer.Pogoria training ship, LivornoYesterday afternoon she was berthing at the Capitaneria pier.Pogoria training ship, LivornoIt is always nice to see her calling back at our port safe and sound after the near disaster of July 2009 in the Baltic sea.

See also: Pogoria - STS Pogoria - Goodbye, Pogoria!
External links: Pogoria (Official website) - Troubled Polish Ship Towed into Hanko Harbour (YLE)


  1. Feels like a different epoche. Always two hands of water beneath its keel.

    Please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  2. Great post VP. I love those training ships.

  3. I clicked on each image to enlarge it. They are so interesting. It must be fun to watch ships like this sail.

  4. That would be a fun ride. I love that first photo!

  5. What a beauty. I love to see the Tall Ships when they come to visit here. MB

  6. I was about to write that I would love to be aboard, even in winter. But then I read your link. How awful to see the ship at sea with broken masts!

  7. Pogoria is a beautiful ship and your pictures are wonderful!
    Thanks for the links and the official website, we can read more about!It's very interesting indeed!
    Hugs and a happy weekend

  8. The ship is beautiful, indeed. I like the presentation as a whole in the second photo but also the last one is interesting.

  9. She is so beautiful, isn't she?
    Love this post.
    have a great weekend:)

  10. A beautiful ship. Glad she's back!

  11. Beautiful and not something I see around my parts.

  12. The lines of this ship are beautiful!

  13. GOOD NEWS that she is back to her old beauty!!:)

  14. It's so... elegant! look at those masts.

  15. I'm not much of a sailing enthusiast but it would be fun to be aboard this vessel.
