Saturday, December 11, 2010


Livorno armata, written on a wall“Livorno armata” is armed Livorno.Ultras 1312, on a wall, Livorno“Ultras” are our hooligans and “1312” is the numeric equivalent of ACAB: All Cops Are Bastards.No to working, on a wall, Livorno“No al lavoro” is a no to any kind of work.


  1. Well, these are really sad photos but they reflect, in my opinion, a global sense of futility. A deep sense that whatever you do, the system gets you. They only give voice to this feeling. As I said, it is sad and not in our own interest.

  2. Lovely! And it reminds me of that guy I met and photographed, the one with the ACAB tattoo. The Rebel.

  3. Looks like home.

    Thank you for 'translating' the ACAB, as I did not know it, while having countless wall over here with it.

    Your walls, an interesting mean to measure time and life indeed. Please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  4. Interesting but not something I like to see. Have a great weekend.

  5. Sadly we see these kind of signs more and more.

  6. Ah you've got them too. So you have a liberetion army? :-)

  7. Well, I'm afraid they are everywhere and don't make cities prettier!

  8. these are challenging signs of the time.

  9. As you know I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff... However the '1312' code is new to me.

  10. Energy and intellect spent in doubtful ways...
    God bless you!

  11. Very sad. There seems to be a general unrest in Europe and North America. More than usual. I worry about it because a friend's son (an otherwise good kid, age 23) has recently gotten into a lot of trouble with his beliefs about anarchism.

  12. These feelings are everywhere. Even in small towns like mine.

  13. Well, not the greatest thing to write on a wall...but I have to say that 1312=ACAB code is brilliant! I'd never be able to figure that one out.

  14. So much negativity--them Hooligans. Lots of good people though.
    I am not back but I had to say hello!! MB

  15. Sad. Reminds me of the only nazi bookshop in Europe, 2 streets away from where we live. The owner just started an 18 months stint in jail.

  16. There are some really disaffected folks in Livorno. Sad to see.

  17. strong and clear messages,- sad and at to many places.
