Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On Lookout

S 355 crane/lay barge, LivornoBusy waters watching North outside the port. Beyond the pilot boat in foreground, we can see on the left the “S 355” crane/lay barge working about where the “Castoro 7” was. A sailboat and a motor boat of the “Guardia di Finanza” complete the scene.Moby Wonder and cruise ships, Porto Mediceo, LivornoCalmer waters inside the “Porto Mediceo”: from left to right the “Moby Wonder” and two cruise ships are quietly moored inside.Diga curvilinea (Curved sea wall) LivornoAll quiet on the Western front, only clouds above and beyond the “Diga Curvilinea” (Curved Breakwater).

See also: Castoro 7 - S 355 (Saipem)


  1. A compass of life.

    Peaceful waters for your Wednesday.

    daily athens

  2. Wonderful photos. I love the sky in the third one.

  3. Even more exciting than tram-watching!

  4. Very, very nice.
    Seattle has all the cruise liners so I don't get to see them
    I was at the 10th St. Everett Marina today . I like to go and watch the goings on at the boat launch--when in came this great looking boat. Pleasure boat but just a little different looking. It was brand new and on a shake down run for the new owner. It was made by 'Ranger Tug'. So I did a search on that and saw some pleasure and working boats---all very nice and out of the range of my pocket book.
    I always enjoy your photos. MB

  5. Three absolutely gorgeous shots. I bet it smelled fresh and clean too after the rain.

  6. Beautiful! I miss the sea so much.

  7. Ooh, that third shot is just absolutely fantastic!

  8. Fantastic sunny day there, looks perfect for a trip boat!
    That last picture is breathtaking, you got motion on those clouds!
    Léia :)

  9. The blue in your middle photo is delicious.

  10. Fabulous photos! I love the second photo...the boats look ready to head out :-D

  11. Three great pics with very different lights.

  12. You have to like that last photo with the impressive sky.
