Monday, November 22, 2010

Myths & Legends

Pegasus, winged horsePegasus, the winged horse, symbol of our Municipal police.Chimera, piazza del Municipio, LivornoThis Everyday Chimera was one of my first posts.Cafè le Fate, LivornoA detail of the sign of the “Caffè le Fate” (The Fairies Cafè).Arab Phoenix bar, LivornoThe “Araba Fenice” (Arab Phoenix) bar, “Via dei Fanciulli”.Sphinx, Palazzo Rosso, LivornoI have already posted the Topless Sphinx, this is her twin sister. This walk is one month old, I saved it for a very rainy Sunday, just like yesterday.

More Walks


  1. Rain - liquide sunshine.

    Great place it must be where such nice things are able to be seen. Love the Sphinx and its background. Please have a wonderful start into the new week.

    daily athens

  2. These are great. I like the Phoenix.

  3. These are great. I have told you before I love your walks. Love the symbol of the Municipal Police.

  4. That's an interesting symbol for the police.
    A fine collection of myths here.
    It was fun going back to see your December 2008 posts.

  5. A wonderful tour to post on a rainy Sunday. No rain here today--what a change. MB

  6. I love myths and legends of all kinds so it goes without saying that I love mythical creatures too. This is a post especially for me. ;)

  7. Nice collection of symbols. We also had a dull Sunday here. Have a much better week!

  8. So you stayed inside? It was raining all day yesterday but I had to go out (you know, Father Christmas and all that). I didn't see anything as interesting as these fairies, phoenix or sphinx though!

  9. Mythological creatures and their stories are always so interesting.

  10. It must have been raining everywhere, yesterday.

  11. You always amaze me with your ideas! Chimera is my favourite:)

  12. Fantastic subject and great finds, VP!

  13. Interesting and very nice!
    And NO grafitti, amazing!
