Saturday, October 16, 2010

Via Pacinotti

Gazebo, Rotonda di Ardenza, LivornoThe peculiar gazebo of a villa facing the “Rotonda di Ardenza”.Rotonda di Ardenza,  LivornoThe angle is slightly different, but the villa hasn't changed much...Old postcard, Rotonda di Ardenza, Via Pacinotti, Livorno... since the photograph of this century-old postcard was taken.Weather vane, Rotonda di Ardenza, LivornoA detail of the villa's weather vane, a device not so common here.

See also: From the Roof - Three Bridges


  1. These are very nice VP. Love the old post card and your image.

  2. I am continually amazed at how some places in Livorno change almost not at all over long periods of time. The gazebo doesn't really go with the villa in terms of style but it's quite nice. Probably a little noisy to sit out there with the two roads!

  3. May the wind continue to provide harmony between past, present and future years.

    Please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  4. When was the photo on the postcard taken? It's really amazing how similar it still is! I love gazebo's, especially when there's a breeze outside :D

  5. I do love the rooster. He is my favorite!

  6. Another wonderful example of how so many things haven't changed in Livorno. The gazebo's intricate metal work is amazing. Weather vanes are not common here either. In fact, I don't remember ever seeing one in any of the Philippine towns and cities we've been to.

  7. I like the new and old villa photographs.

  8. Don't go changing for me... A real villa wouldn't.

  9. I love the last photo, simply love it! Those weather vane always amaze me:)

  10. The palm tree laden with dates and the special design of the gazebo somehow look Eastern.

  11. It's always interesting to see such comparisons... A picture of decades ago and the same place nowadays, it's great, specially when there are a few buildings or landmarks that still remain to tell the story...
    God bless you!

  12. That gondola is a rather curious style; almost looks Indian. Nice though. How fun to see the then and now of the villa.

    @Hilda, there is a weather vane on top of the water tower I posted on Friday. I've seen them more often' perhaps selective perception because we used to make them for export.

  13. Interesting comparison in the two photographs.

  14. What's so peculiar about it? It's lovely!

  15. @ ciel - This gazebo is one of a kind and, due to its position, it appears in countless pictures and postcards of Livorno.

  16. Nice photos.The last photo is my favorite.

  17. I always enjoy to see the now and then photos. And the rooster is a good one as well.
