Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trash Talk

Tree with sign: I am not an ashtray, humans“I am not an ashtray, humans”.Sign: trash in front of a pizzeria“If I ever see who drops his trash in front of the pizzeria... he'll end up inside the bag. Sabrina”.Sign: dog owners not cleaning after the fact“This part of the street is under video surveillance. Pictures of the owners not cleaning up after their dogs will be published on our local paper. An eye for an eye... ”


  1. How hope providing signs. Over here one has to look indeed where to walk, yet way too many dogs are still living on the streets.
    About cigarrets ... well, since September 1st it is forbidden to smoke in closed rooms, that's why there are now many found at tram, bus stops and alike ...
    Please have a good Sunday.

    daily athens

  2. So funny! I laughed out loud. Great title to a great post! I've concluded that humans are, by and large, major slobs.

    I don't think there's an answer to the problem of wrongful trash disposal.

    In Stone Creek, if you fail to pick up your puppy poop, you are put on puppy poop patrol for one week.

    Nah...I just made that up! :-)

  3. These are great! Sometimes people just get tired of putting up with other people's bad behavior!

  4. I agree with Farmchick. I want to make one for my car to flash at people who are driving and talking on their cells phones.

  5. Wonderful signs VP. I just wish people would actually read them.

  6. When people feel righteous indignation they become so articulate. Great signs, so original!

  7. I love this idea and hope it helps, at least a little!

  8. Great signs! I love how they are casually threatening ;-D

  9. I like Sabrina's sense of humor...

  10. Some folks seem to have completely lost their temper... Still, it's so funny!
    God bless you!

  11. I think it's sad that these are actually needed.

  12. Did Sabrina find the man? Funny story, sad content...

  13. Oh dear,... trash talk indeed. Sad they are needed... and the signs themselves are not exactly eye candy either. And "occhio per occhio" is a scary notion to me.

  14. i feel with those who put up signs like this. Some people just don't know how to behave and it seems the same all over the world....

    Christina, Sweden

  15. I'm still wondering what ever happened to all that garbage that Berlusconi made disappear down in Naples.
