Friday, September 10, 2010

Scalo Regio

Scalo Regio, LivornoThe fortress was once completely surrounded by water and this ramp, where once was the “Scalo Regio” (Royal Landing), was the only access to the main gate.Scalo Regio, LivornoTo link this landing to the other side, a boat was towed back and forth from the fortress.Scalo Regio, LivornoIn this archive shot, taken from the fortress side, we can see a boat that was used sometimes for the same purpose. Sadly, the last time I saw it, it was almost sunk...

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Piazza dei Grani - Porta del Duca - Cortile d'Arme - Capitana - Ampolletta - Molo del Soccorso - Canaviglia - Palazzo di Francesco - Mastio di Matilde - From the Top
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. I wonder how folks in the future will be able to "read" our architectures and our fortresses. What will be plain obvious, a bit strange or maybe totally incomprehensible from their perspectives?

  2. Fascinating. Is the place used for anything specific these days? I'd love to see more of the interior - if there's anything to see...

    Hi Trillian - Enjoyed your the California restaurant in Paris - no, we did not eat there; it was too expensive. It was connected with the Hilton Paris hotel near the Eiffel Tower. I read that hotel was sold to another chain so I'm not sure this restaurant exists anymore...

  3. Time has rarely been measured more beautiful.

    daily athens

  4. These are amazing! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  5. Totally amazing. It is so hard for us out here to comprehend these beautiful building being built so long ago and still there---just existing. Where did all the water go? MB

  6. Per's comment is interesting. This reminds me of Traitor's gate in London. Lovely shots all three.

  7. P.S.: go to Berlin! And thanks for the tip re. chronology, no time now before I leave but I'll see about it when I come back!

  8. Towed? As in there was a rope and all? Like Dina, I'm fascinated by the system.

  9. I really like this fort. Glad you have shown us more of it.

  10. This place is definitely fantastic! Great composition in the middle.

  11. Now this is a fort I'd feel safe in :D
