Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Santa Lucia

Church of Santa Lucia Vergine e Martire, Saint Lucy Virgin and Martyr, Banditella, Antignano, LivornoThe church of “Santa Lucia Vergine e Martire” (Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr) is located not far from the via Aurelia in the quarter of Banditella, Antignano.Church of Santa Lucia Vergine e Martire, Saint Lucy Virgin and Martyr, Banditella, Antignano, LivornoThe church was dedicated and inaugurated in October 1998.Church of Santa Lucia Vergine e Martire, Saint Lucy Virgin and Martyr, Banditella, Antignano, LivornoIn front of the church we can see an olive tree representing the Passion and a palm tree as symbol of the Resurrection.

By the way, we have just learned that Italy Magazine has picked us as Blog of the Week.


  1. Love these images. Congratulations for the Blog of the Week. What a wonderful interview.

  2. Concratulations upon this achievment.
    An interesting architecture indeed. Probably able to transmit age old faith into the future. Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens

  3. That is an excellent accomplishment. This is some wonderful architecture. I do like the front of the building.

  4. Congratulations on your blog award - well deserved! I guess if we're patient, then you'll show us INSIDE the church, too, non?

  5. Wonderful news! Congratulations on your award. You deserve it.

  6. Whoa, congratulations! That's so cool!

    And the church is awesome. One of the few modern buildings you've shown us. I think I'm beginning to understand your fascination for modern skyscrapers. :)

  7. Lovely architecture! Although I would never have guessed it was a church. Very modern :D

  8. Blog of the Week! Mazal tov to you both!!
    Italy and Livorno are lucky to have you as photo bloggers. Nice to learn more about you in the interview.
    Interesting that you write in English and then translate.

    That church is so different from the old ones. I haven't seen a new church in years. I wonder how it feels inside.

  9. Bravo!
    This church looks a bit like a boat with a huge prow.

  10. Congratulations on your award:)
    This church is, well, interesting.

  11. My goodness that Church is very modernistic. Lovely in it's own way.

    Congrats on being Chosen Blog of the Week. An honor. MB

  12. First of all I need to say that blue sky is awesome!
    So modern architecture in this church, it's beautiful indeed!Reminds me the modern buildings in Brazilia and the architect Niemeyer.
    Wonderful pictures!

  13. I am not sure I like the architecture for a church, sorry, but it looks more like a building with offices, conferences or a public library...( re the last photo.)
    The ITALY MAGAZINE had a very nice and interesting blog this week. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU !!:)

  14. Congratulations!!!

    This church is certainly not like most of the houses of worship you see in Italy! It's a bit too space-y for me.

  15. The architecture is fantastic and so are these shots!
    Congratulations to Livorno DP!

  16. Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition, VP! I'm not so fond of this building; it is rather cold and uninviting with those hard edges. I'm no fengshui expert, but that bell tower makes me think of the I M Pei-designed China Bank in Hong Kong. When that was built it was roundly criticized for its sharp corners that are feared to impart bad luck to its neighbors.

  17. I guess the Swedish Lucia Bride should pay them a visit!
