Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Theme Day: Funny Signs

Lapide Camera di Commercio, LivornoA 230 year old “No playing, no loitering, no standing” sign trying to discourage disorderly presences from the area of the portico of our Chamber of Commerce, then the Royal Customs House.

By Order etc.
It is forbidden for anyone
of any rank and condition
to leave trash, to play games
or to make any loud noise
under and around the Loggia
of this Royal Customs House
under the punishment of capture,
imprisonment and harsh trial,
if disobeying or transgressing etc.
Given by the Criminal Chancery
of the Government of Livorno
21 August 1781

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  1. That's amazing! 230 years old! Incredible! I'll bet it's just as relevant today as it was then, too!

  2. It reminds me that even the Romans had signs similar to ours. Some things are universal in both time and sentiment. I'm envious of your city's long history.

  3. Ha, luckily for you they didn't have cameras back then...

  4. Ha, leave it to the Italian blogger to find a 230 year old funny sign.

  5. Still the same yesterday as today. No no no !!!.
    Good find. MB

  6. Oops I signed in with the "other" blog. MB

  7. So life could have been a bit complicated back in those days.... :) Nice spotted anyway.

  8. What about the immondice? Isn't that the same as French immondices ? ;-)

    Very classy sign for today!

  9. I put the same idea to my post of today. But Livorno sign looks so artistic and so beautiful.

  10. @ Kate - It probably worked then, now it's another story...

    @ ciel - It's exactly the same, but I thought that a literal translation would be pointless, because most of the terms used are archaic.

  11. So after reading your answer to Ciel's question I see 'immondizie' is the same 'imundice' I'm thinking about! LOL! Great find, VP!

  12. La Dogana com'era e com'è oggi, trasformata in Camera di Commercio. Angolino delizioso, impreziosito da quell'antica scritta,che la rende comunque luogo d'interesse turistico.

  13. I guess some things never change!

  14. Good thing you weren't born then...I wonder if the sound of the camera shutter would be considered loud? :D

  15. 230 years old, wow! Though it looks like we never learn.

  16. Interesting sign. Please come by and take a look at mine. It's in Italian and I have tried to translate!

  17. A funny sign, a history lesson and philosophy too!
    What an incredible post.
