Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tabula Rasa

Erasing graffiti from the wall of the Central Market, LivornoAs you have already seen many times, our walls are covered with graffiti and the “Mercato Centrale” is no exception.Erasing graffiti from the wall of the Central Market, LivornoThese guys are trying to clean the stone base of the building from years of graffiti and dirt. The work is in progress from right to left.Clean wall after erasing graffiti from the wall of the Central Market, LivornoThe part already treated is amazing: I have never seen these walls so clean. I hope this won't attract the usual idiots with a spray can.Graffiti on the wall of the Central Market, LivornoThe part of the wall not yet treated is quite less appealing.


  1. It's nice that someone is cleaning up the mess. Too bad that the "usual idiots" can't be caught and made to clean up their mess themselves.

    Graffiti seems to be a growing problem world-wide.

    Please tell Trillian I laughed out loud at her comment on Paree...and her other comments were wonderful, too. And thank you, my very wise friend, for filling me in on that sculpture at the d'Orsay! I told Lois that if anyone would know about it, you would! And I was right!

  2. I agree with Jacob. Sad that these people don't understand what they are doing when they tag these old beautiful buildings.

  3. The cleaners did a good job. Wonder what material they use; the work gloves look serious.
    I guess they have job security; nothing more inviting to the graffiti guys than a tabula rasa.

  4. Caring for the heritage is costly but necessary. Imagine the things that could have been accomplished with this money instead.

  5. I too wish the culprits could be caught and have to do the cleaning themselves. I wonder if they would learn anything. It is crazy.

    Responding to your comment on my blog.
    I like the beach in winter when it is really storming too. Wheeeee!!


  6. Next to where I used to work, there were 3 men (from the council) doing this kind of work on a small building. They worked for several days with all kinds of chemicals to remove the colorful letters and drawings... After the weekend some "new art" was put up, and we thought our tax money had been spent on clean walls.... It did not last for long! That is why I am for special places where young people can put up and sign their arts, but just not on public buildings and private houses!!!! I hope the walls will be clean for a LONG time!?

  7. It's great that they are cleaning so important and historical building!

  8. I wonder how they would treat these people in the old days. Pretty harshly I should think.

  9. It's a problem, but I guess it is at least providing a job for someone.

  10. Hope it turns out better than before!

  11. The other day I was driving in a Lisbon old street and I just couldn't believe my eyes... there was not one single clean wall all the way! It seems the more they clean and paint the buildings the sooner they get all messed up with that awful writing!

  12. Oh that must take hours and hours! But the walls look really beautiful without the graffiti! Bravo to the people who contribute to clean it :D

  13. Great title, and interesting post. I don't know how people can think to deface beautiful wall, or even ugly walls that don't belong to them.

  14. I wish someone would clean the walls here in Molfetta!
