Thursday, December 3, 2009


Squirrel on the gate of a villa, via Roma, LivornoA couple of weeks ago, coming back from a walk to the “Terrazza Mascagni”, we found some strange creatures on our way. The last and the most interesting was this squirrel, standing above an ornate crest decorating the gate of a villa in “Via Roma”.Fishes on the facade of the Grand Hotel Palazzo, LivornoSome angry fishes hide on the facade of the “Grand Hotel Palazzo”.Statue of an eagle on a wall, via Sant'Jacopo Acquaviva, LivornoA not so majestic eagle on a wall in “Via Sant'Jacopo Acquaviva”.Composed lion keeping watch from a pillar, via Montebello, LivornoA composed lion keeping watch from a pillar in “Via Montebello”.Pegasus fights a Chimera, gate in via Roma, LivornoOn another gate, Pegasus fights what probably is a Chimera (we have one of these either) , in company of his winged mirror image.


  1. The first one is just nuts.

    The second is a 2 on a "scale" of 1 to 10.

    The third reminds me of my high school science teacher.

    The fourth has to be the local bishop.

    And the fifth? How can one get ahead when confronted with his alter ego?

    You do have some funky stuff in our town, VP! I like!

  2. These are pretty wild. Great stuff. I love all the images. Really interesting. They don't do that kind of "ornaments" anymore.

  3. Haha that angry fish look just like Sister Maria! (She was the principal at my school)
    That pair of gates if most impressive - I wouldn't mind having a set just like them. Wonder what the neighbours would think? About the oldest thing around here is the chap across the road!
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  4. This is a great collection! I totally agree with Boise Diva.

  5. Quite the fancy details - ones I won't be able to probably find on a walk around here . . .

  6. That's quite a collection or animal ornaments!

  7. You have such an eye for detail. This is rather eclectic stone menagerie you've assembled for us. Thank you.

  8. These are great! I'm sure I already said I love animals in art. It's funny about the savage looking fish. I remember some on the bridges in Paris - or at least one bridge. I'll bet they are from Medieval manuscripts. Anyway, I like them.

  9. P.S. The photos are all nice, but the fish in black and white looks so classic with the pattern of the stone!

  10. They are all a bit funny looking except for the fish which looks scary in my opinion. I like how detailed the eagle is, despite not being very majestic.

  11. Certainly Livorno has a special atmosphere where they all live so well ...
    Beautiful series, great idea!

  12. Cute squirrel looks like he's begging for some nuts. The fish is scary looking. That's the goofiest eagle I've ever seen. Mr Lion looks like he's fallen asleep (not much to guard, I guess). And fantasy-loving me loves the Pegasus best of all!

    Heehee. Thanks for such a fun and beautiful post!

  13. Yes, you do have an eye for finding beautiful objects and an appreciation for detail. Great collection for today's post!

  14. I actually thought that was a real squirrel perched on top of the gate! All are so artistic! Would love to see what other animals are around ;D

  15. There is just something about an angry fish...

  16. How amazing that in your one city you can find so many fascinating representations of man and beast.

    Great post. So interesting. Love Livorno!! Keep them coming.

  17. There is so much detail around your town! I love all the different "wildlife" you have.

  18. Very pretty collection. I thought the squirrel is real at first - we have many of those around here, but then I realized - they are not that common in the city.

  19. @ Jacob - Glad to agree with you on the first two! We somewhat had the same high school science teacher and our local bishop is a... Pisan!

  20. I don't know...they are really gorgeous but the last one, these PEGASOS, they are so adorable!
    It's my preference, and also because I love horses!

  21. Quite a bestiary! (Are you sure that wasn't a real squirrel?)
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  22. So many beautiful details.....
    Interesting and nice.

  23. Livourne est un zoo... :-)I especially like the first one (and am hqving a real hard time with the German keybord at the hotel...)

  24. You sure have good eyes for details. Nice find all of them.
