Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ponte dei Domenicani

Ponte dei Domenicani, Blackfriars Bridge, LivornoAt the other end of “Via Borra” we find the “Ponte dei Domenicani” (Blackfriars Bridge). Straight ahead we can see the tree topped “Fortezza Nuova”, on the right we have the buldings of the “Palazzo di Giustizia” (Courthouse). On a lighter tone, the tiny “Microcirco” was just in front of the very pink building on the left.Ponte dei Domenicani, Blackfriars Bridge, LivornoApparently not much different from the “Ponte di Marmo”, this bridge takes its name from the nearby church and a former convent, later used as a prison, of the Dominicans.Ponte dei Domenicani, Blackfriars Bridge, LivornoOn the other side of the bridge we find the polygonal dome of the church of “Santa Caterina” with its raw facade.Ponte dei Domenicani, Blackfriars Bridge, LivornoDue to a new structure below the parapet of the canal, I wasn't able to match more closely the above image with the usual century-old postcard. You can clearly see that the bridge was rebuilt.

See also: Ponte di Marmo - Ponte della Venezia - Ponte di San Giovanni - Ponte dell'Angiolo - Ponte del Luogo Pio


  1. Those reflected arcs are becoming sort of a trademark of yours. And a very nice one too.

  2. Another lovely bridge and reflection, another postcard match--wonderful! I love these.

  3. I love it. In a way this post is like a bridge to the past.

  4. These are great! I love it when you do this.

  5. I like the top photo of the bridge the best with the boats - great!

  6. Wonderful bridge shots. Amazing how not too much has changed over time, except for the rebuilt bridge.

  7. The first shot - magnificent! The lighting is fantastic and the reflections are stunning...

    Looking at the last two again I'm amazed at how little has changed over the years!

  8. Great,Beautiful and lovely shots !! Simply nice and beautiful shot !!Unseen Rajasthan

  9. How much I like those bridges and their almast circular reflections! The first one is my favourite.

  10. Very nice to see and interesting to read. My favorite photo is the top one. The old postcard in b/w is also very nice.

  11. I like seeing the comparison between the old and the new.

  12. It's almost the same as this beautiful bridge looked many years ago.Thanks for these pictures, it's cool seeing old and new shots, I liked it a lot.

  13. The old bridge is prettier with the radiating pattern over the arch (sorry, I don't know the proper term for it). And I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I really like the raw facade of the church.

    The Dominicans must have despaired to hear that their convent was turned into a prison.

  14. the bridge is different but amazing how the scene is still so similar :)

  15. I agree with Per. And I do like the old and the new views as well.

  16. I'm curious about the 'prison of the Dominicans.' Were they in prison or imprisoning others? I guess a case could be made either way.

  17. I like the canal photos with the bridges. The reflections look like an eye. Neat history too!

  18. @ B SQUARED - The prison was installed after the departure of the friars. The convent already got cells, so they needed only better locks...
    Now, after a costly restoration, the former convent and ex-prison is vacant. It is difficult to use the building as offices, nobody wants to work in a cell!

  19. Fantastic shots. The photo taken today is almost exactly as it looked 100 years ago. Amazing how little has changed in all that time. I especially love the reflection of the bridge in the water and the scene beyond.

    Friends are leaving for a cruise and will be docking in Livorno. After all of your posts on the city, I told them they MUST spend time visiting and touring everything. They only have 12 hours in your city and will be aboard the "Grand Princess." Grab a shot of it on Tuesday, December 1st.

  20. What is so interesting is that so little has changed! In Boston we have markers on buildings stating that once on this something very historical & important once stood! We never seem to preserve very much here, especially if it is in the center of the city.

  21. I've just changed my mind! I think from now on this one will be my favourite bridge!

  22. As a matter of fact, we've had a former prison turned into a hostel. Budget accommodation comes with certain quirks and oddities, I suppose.

  23. @ Frank - Probably your friend will go for Pisa or Florence, but if they choose to stay in Livorno, let me know, I'll be glad to meet them.

    @ ciel - Still four 'venetian' bridges to go, but this is a good one.

    @ Per - That is a good idea. Too good, I guess, for the people here.

  24. Still amazed by the old postcard series, of how little has changed. I like the reflection photo too.

  25. The water looks so still in first pic that the reflection is just perfect!
    Also like the 'old and new' on this one again.

  26. I particulary like the octagonal building - we have a couple of those in the original 1920's developments areas of Palos Verdes that were built in the Mediterranean/Spanish style. Of course, we have no canals or bridges :(

  27. That's still a pretty good match.
