Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ice Rink

An ice rink is being built in “Piazza della Repubblica”, under the attentive eye of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany.The 600 square meters (20x30 meters) covered ice arena will be open since November 21 until February 7 of the next year.This is a recent tradition for the holiday season in Livorno, but after few years it is already quite popular.


  1. Our ice rinks will be up soon, too. Wish I could skate!

  2. Will you be putting on a pair of skates at the rink? As you would expect, skating is very popular in Canada.

  3. Good skating next year. I didn't know it got cold enough in Livorno for ice skating.

  4. Does the Grand Duke have a reputation for good management? I hope so. I also hope you'll show us some pics of the scaters later in the season . . . maybe from the center of the rink?

  5. That sounds like so much fun! I've never tried ice skating at all, despite the availability of rinks here. Have you tried it?

  6. That's wonderful. We had one in Ocala for a couple of years and then the sponsors lost their space and it's gone now. Too bad. These are very popular and a lot of fun for the kids especially.

  7. Do you have ice skates, Mr. Livorno?! We go ice skating as a family here in Eagan.

  8. Thank you for visiting!You know very well Bulgarian.

  9. Two years ago I drove from Amsterdam to Bucharest, a road trip that lasted two weeks with frequent stops on the way. In every big city I've stopped there was an ice rink so I think this tradition has spread all over Europe. We had quite a few in Bucharest last year. It's a nice winter sport and very healthy entertainment :)

  10. It's amazing and new for us!
    I would love to try ice skating once in my life!

  11. I love outdoor skating! Unfortunately my husband does not. :(

  12. Dost thou skate?
    These outdoor rinks are quite popular in western France too. They tried to import the Christmas markets but were no good at it, so they chose the rinks. I think it's a good idea, it's fun for kids and adults alike... when thou skatest.

  13. Ice! Does it get that cold in Livorno, or will it be enclosed? I grew up in California, so I never learned to skate. There were indoor ice rinks, though nothing this grand!

  14. Not every ice rink has a Grand Duke overlooking its inception.

  15. What a great idea. I hope you come back when it's open. Love the contrast of the old buildings with this new fangled thing.

  16. @ tapirgal - Not really, his first statue was pulled down by his angry subjects!It is the damaged one that now stands in Piazza XX Settembre. The statue was replaced by a new one.
    @ Per - Actually TWO Grand Dukes, there is another one at the other end of the square!

  17. @ ciel - I can't skate to save my life!
    @ White Oleander - No, they skate for fun and I think there are lessons for kids.

  18. Ah yes, that second Grand Duke!

    Well, in that case I might almost consider trying my skates. Naww - better not...

  19. I never learned how to skate although I lived 4 years in Northern Russia, always envied my sister who was really good on skates.
