Saturday, October 10, 2009

Castel Sonnino

Sonnino castle, LivornoThis castle rises on a headland which is the highest point of the Livornese coastline, with 91 meters above sea level. On the north side of the cape lies the beautiful “Cala del Leone” (Lion's Cove). The small port of the castle is hidden on the southern side.Sonnino castle, LivornoThe Sonnino Castle was built at the end of the 19th century around another Medicean watchtower, called “Torre San Salvatore” (Saint Saviour Tower). It is named after its first owner, the Baron Sidney Sonnino, Minister of the Kingdom of Italy a the time. He loved so much the seclusion of this place that he asked to be buried in a grotto beneath the castle.Sonnino castle, LivornoThe stretch of raw coastline on the left is called “Sassoscritto” (Written Stone) because the rock is literally carved by the erosion.

See also:

Castello del BoccaleTorre di CalafuriaCalignaiaGreen Lizard's Bay


Lowell said...

That is so incredible! I'm not sure I'd want to live in the castle, but I'd sure like to visit for awhile...the coastline is glorious...

These shots could be/should be postcards, VP!

Why does this area remind me of a James Bond movie? That's a rhetorical question - you needn't answer!

Have a wonderful weekend!

brattcat said...

These are so beautiful. I want to stand just where you were standing and see that gorgeous sight with my own eyes.

James said...

Looking toward the castle is a wonderful view. I can only imagine how great it would be to scan the horizon from the castle. Especially if a storm was blowing in.

Anonymous said...

This is a gorgeous place. I can almost smell the sea air and feel the sun on my face.

Peter @ italyMONDO! said...

Wow. How gorgeous! In which province is this? E' sempre la provincia di Livorno?

Regina said...

Great place and beautiful views.
Thanks for sharing

VP said...

@ Peter - Quercianella, visibile sulla destra nella prima foto, รจ una frazione di Livorno.

Quercianella, visible on the right of the first photo, is still part of Livorno proper as a detached suburb.

Andreea said...

Beautiful landscape, looks like taken out of a fairytale.

Marcel said...

beautiful shots! I love the nature!

cieldequimper said...

I thought the first one was a postcard, that was until I saw the last one! I would love to bathe there right now.

amatamari© said...

This is one of the most scenic stretches of the Tirrenian coast!
Beautiful series, magnificent color,
I love that sea!

joo said...

The coastline is really spectacular and I really like the castle!
have a great weekend:)

Benikos place said...

Looks like a movie scene!!The peple always knew where to build theis residences, well done :)

Luis Gomez said...

These are breathtaking. Really. I can almost feel the ocean.

Stefan Jansson said...

I could use it as my summer house. I'm guessing the view from up there is pretty good.

B SQUARED said...

I can see why he never wanted to leave.

Gunn said...

Beautiful coastline and landscape!

tapirgal said...

Since Jacob doesn't want to live there, I'll take it!

Kcalpesh said...

This is such a beautiful view. I'm already so fond of beaches and water bodies. Your shots accompanied by the castle and the hills look marvellous! These are the kind of views I'd always love to sit and gaze at, all day!

Pixellicious Photos

Hilda said...

I can empathize with the Baron. Sometimes, I'd like to be away from the rest of the world too. And especially if the location and views are as magnificent as these!

Unknown said...

Italy has one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world! I will never forget Amalfi!

Ellie said...

Is there a princess or a flesh eating giant living in this one?

Tinsie said...

I took a very similar photo of a bit of Greek coastline the other day, only instead of a castle, there were three windmills standing at the top :-)

VP said...

@ Tinsie - Please, post it...

Tinsie said...

I'll what I can do ;-) Lately I've been too busy snapping and posting about blue kitchen things.