Sunday, October 4, 2009

Afternoon Walk

I like roaming the deserted streets in the early Sunday afternoon, it is one of the few quiet moments in a noisy city. You could even see (or imagine) strange things around, like a baby scooter watching his elders with some kind of envy.Lurking in a corner of a square still full of wreckage, a heartless machine patiently awaits the moment to crush and destroy again.Not far, in the same square, an excavatress motherly cuddles her cute baby bulldozer.At last, coming home, you may find at your front door a shining treasure pile of golden scaffolding couplers.

More Walks


  1. Ha-ha !:-)
    Your shots and comments are great!:-)

    Will you be out again this Sunday morning?
    I hope you find many new and interesting things to take photos of.

  2. Such a treasure upon returning from an eventful expedition like this! I love the baby bulldozer.

  3. What an eye you've got! And what a sharp sense of humor!

  4. Man...You are really talent to write and pic up different point of view by ordinary life!
    Great post dear friend!

  5. (↑) I thought so!!
    I like to buy his nice camera, too!!

  6. Fantastic. The two babies are my favourites. Have a great walk today!

  7. Mine in the city...

    I like that lovely scooter.

  8. Tell us the truth . . . did you try the little green tricycle?

    Loved the "mother/daughter bulldozer" photo - awww!

  9. Ma che foto particolari!!!
    La prima è per me assolutamente la più simpatica: bravo!

  10. What a strange walk! Very different than walking here! I love that first one.

  11. Loved the walk and your thoughts - nice shots.
    I love the first one - it's priceless. :)

  12. Touching commentaries on commonplace occurrences.

  13. Thank you for stopping by my playground. I really appreciate it. I love the commentary and the 1st photo is excellent. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Haha I love the scooter story, but the bulldozer one is even better :-)

  15. I made a post for you explaining more about the reflections and showing the ships in situ:

    And I just love your post from today! It's so funny, and your eye caught some most unusual themes. It's fantastic!!!

  16. I also like to stroll my city on Sundays afternoon. This way I can take photographs of buildings without cars blocking the view, photographs of store windows without having to explain the owners that I don't work for their competition or without being told by some overzealous guard that I'm not allowed to take pictures in some spot (which of course, according to the law is perfectly ok). Nice finds here.

  17. You have a wonderful imagination! This post made me smile from ear to ear!

  18. Great fun! What a good eye you have...that first shot if priceless! The rest are kinda messy!

  19. the 1st photo is so funny
    so is the baby buldozer
    the last one is unbelievable.

  20. I have to hand it to you, making such messy everyday scenes so funny! Love the baby scooter and bulldozer especially.

  21. mmm ... just my sort of post, VP. Contrary to the general comment, I particularly liked the final image. That is a very large pile of scaffolding couplers.

    Wonderful post: both images and text.

  22. What a great group of photos. I like the destroyer on the second photo.

  23. Love these all! I really like the demolition scenes. Have a "salvage" site I want to photograph but haven't gotten over there when they've been working yet.
