Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cherry Pickers

Cherry picker, boom lift at work, LivornoThe correct term probably is “aerial work platform”, but I think these boom lifts are usually called cherry pickers.Cherry picker, boom lift at work, LivornoThis one is working on the roof of a seven-storey building facing the “Fosso Reale”, whose high walls add a few meters and a bit more thrill to the job.Cherry picker, boom lift at work, LivornoThis other guy is working quite relaxed just over the street lights. My one and only thought when I see one of these devices is: what I would catch with my camera from up there...

Where is Trillian?

Trillian, LivornoTrillian has not gone away, she is just studying hard to research her thesis for a master level degree in law. I hope she will be back in time, after a summer of study...


  1. I love the picture from yesterday, the Villa Regina window shot, very athomospere-ical!

  2. I am enjoying your photos tonight. So many good ones. I like the villa window shot, the paint is fabulous. The reflection shot with gondolas is gorgeous also. I like your series shots. You are capturing some great images.

  3. "what I could catch with my camera from up there?"

    Oh, I hope not be you as though you're jumping from there!

  4. You must not be afraid of heights! I would not do well that far off the ground.
    Sunny :)

  5. I like the nickname of the platforms - sounds better than oficial name:)
    Could be interesting to get to one of them and take photos of the city, I can imagine the view!

  6. Maybe they'll let you up there if you ask nicely :)

    A master's degree in law? Wow. Good luck with your thesis Trillian!
    (I almost couldn't talk to my husband when he was finishing his. I dread what'll happen when he begins his PhD!)

  7. I like the way you isolate the men in their cherry pickers to give us a sense of floating in air. It's also good to see the beaming Trillian, particularly given the stress she must be under right now.

  8. That has to be a difficult job. Certainly is a lot easier than the way they used to do it.

  9. Despite the work, it must be fun to be "on top of the world," so to speak. I'd love to see the view from there. Go for it; ask if you could snap some photos from their platform!!

  10. Looking at the 1st photo I didn't realize how high the man is!

  11. No way I would go up in one those contraptions.

    Really nice shot of Trillian. Love the wonderful smile. (And so-o pretty.)

  12. Three thoughts:

    1. Your photos are great!
    2. I wouldn't work up there for a new Nikon!
    3. Trillian is beautiful and I'm sure you were wishing she was with you now!

  13. We used something like that in my university theater to set lights. We called it the hydraulic genie.

    I wouldn't like to be up on that cherry picker though. My feet get tingly just thinking about it!

  14. Good job, Trillian! You can do it! My husband just got his Masters in Industrial Engineering two months ago - he likes machines like these cranes :)

  15. I hope she enjoys it and am sure she'll pass! I wish I could get out of the law business...

  16. P.S.: you need to hitch a ride from a cherry man!

  17. I can imagine the wonderful photos that could be had in one of those. I might get a little dizzy though.

    Good luck to Trillian!

  18. I look forward to meeting Trillian when she comes back. Since I'm new here, I don't know her yet. Nice photo!

    We call the cranes with baskets "cherry pickers" here, too. I love the comment about making it more exciting to look down all the way past the height of the wall.

    You cemetery comments were fine. I haven't seen a lot of the funny ones except in "Old West" cemeteries. Many are interesting, though. I'll try looking for the humor. I do intend to go back! I was surprised how many cemeteries are in our area. I guess I'll never be bored, eh? (Not that I will ever be bored!)

  19. What would I do with a cherry picker? Probably pick cherries. It is cherry season!

  20. Oh gosh, one's got to have guts for this! Not for those afraid of heights!
    God bless you!

  21. Thank you all, I hope to be back soon, camera at hand!

  22. As a matter of fact I'll be taking a course in criminology starting in a few weeks so studies will keep us busy then.

    No money in the world could get me onto one of those platforms. Just imagine what it'd be like on a windy day!

  23. Mmmm, I too would be thinking about the pictures I can capture from way up there

  24. T. has a delightful smile and is obviously smart & beautiful! She and you must be so proud of her achievement. That's fantastic.

  25. I bet the cherry pickers remain idle during the windy winter season.
