Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Harbour Seagulls

Seagull, port, harbor, LivornoI have been trying hard to catch a seagull in flight, but it is not easy with the zoom at full power, this is the best I got last Friday.Seagull, port, harbor, LivornoAfter City Seagulls, I tried to catch these birds in their more favorable environment, the harbour.Seagull, port, harbor, LivornoI am not sure this is a seagull proper, I found it almost mimetic in this kind of sea. Any advice from experts about this bird would be welcome.


  1. You did a fabulous work, beautiful shots!

  2. Soaring seagull! Standing seagull! Swimming seagull! Super subjects!

  3. That first shot is really quite magnificent. I've tried to shoot them in flight, too, and about all I do is get pooped on when they soar overhead!

    I dunno the last bird...looks like the poor thing is lost.

    Glad you recognized the building on Paree today! ;-)

    Have a great afternoon and evening!

  4. I think you did very well with the flying seagull — it's beautiful! And you're right about the third bird, whatever it is. Very interesting.

  5. You did a fantastic job of catching the gull in flight. It's an ennobling photo. Even those who are not crazy about gulls could admire this photo and its subject.

  6. I'd say you managed to capture the first Gull pretty well. You should give advice!

  7. The gull in flight is fantastic! Good job!

  8. @ B SQUARED - My advice is very simple: shoot about one thousand shots vaguely in direction of any flying object for about six months.
    Delete 950 out of focus and fuzzy images and 40 neat ugly pigeons. Delete the remaining nine half seagulls and, with a bit of luck, it's done.

  9. One thousand for six months? I see where I have gone wrong :) Edinburgh is full of gulls, including the huge ones we call herring gulls, but when I was little even though we're on the sea we never saw them in the town. If we did the old people would say, "bad weather at sea."

  10. The last photo is either a baby seagull that hasn't shed its baby feathers or it's a female seagull.

    In the animal kingdom, males are more attractive than females. :-)

  11. Your expert technigue for getting one good shot is hilarious. Isn't that what we ALL do at times to capture one good scene? Boats, planes, cars, birds, pelicans... Love your response!!

  12. That top photo is top notch. Bravo!

  13. Great shots, especially the first one.

  14. I like the first shot! Great composition!

  15. I had to laugh so hard at Jacob! The first shot is beautiful, you did really well. I don't even try... ;-)

  16. These are great pictures of the sea gulls. Somehow I missed your last post but the Benefactor's room is very impressive.

  17. Part of the airborne division incoming - an action shot!

    The gulls are certainly something our cities have in common.

  18. What a lovely photos!
    I`m a swedish woman living in Singapore, I´m at the moment in Sweden but I fly back to Singapore on Sunday, I can´t wait:)

    Hugs Gunilla

  19. Love the seagull shot against the blue sky

  20. You did a nice job with the flying seagull, and even better was your description! I thought the third one would be a juvenile. Ming says it could be a female. I'll have to research some more. We have so many here and I enjoy watching them. There was a good display of seagulls at the Natural History museum in Santa Barbara, California, and that's where I first learned about the darker coloring being a juvenile. I don't remember what they said about females.

  21. I'm an Adams fan and I think the Vogon Poet name is very clever - the way you described photographing birds would make Adams proud. Nothing on your blog induces pain as vogon poetry should - it is all joy!

  22. These are lovely pictures! It will be a dream come true for me when I'll manage to capture pictures like these :-)

  23. @ ellievellie - Sometimes I forget why I chose Vogon Poet as a nick... You are one of the few who noticed!
    As the dolphins (or our gulls) may say: so long, and thanks for all the fish!

  24. I think Ming is right. The baby gulls being raised on the office building below mine look like that but fluffier and today I saw one just like the photo flying chaotically off a ledge in town into a bunch of people to get some food - definitely a young bird who hasn't got things worked out yet.

  25. Nice pictures, I do not know which to choose!

    Potrebbe essere una specie che abita nell'Africa - l'immagine sembrava più o meno uguale - ma forse e' piu' credibile sia un piccolo!

  26. bela sequencia de fotos. voce tem bonitas fotos em seu blog. parabens.

  27. First year hering gull. They become white at 3 years old age.

  28. Hey these photos are great - gulls are difficult to get in flight (the big Caspian terns that I took that you commented on coast and hover a little more - making them a little easier to track).

    I do agree with your advice about taking 1000 pictures and deleting the blurry ones and the ones of the pigeons. However, you left out the part about deleting the pictures of the blank blue sky ;)

    As for the gull. Hard to say. Pretty confident it's a first year. Could be a Herring Gull or a Lesser Black-backed Gull.
