Sunday, July 12, 2009

Canned Photos

Wooden cats, market, Sant'Antonino Fair, LivornoWe hope you'll forgive us if, for lack of fresh photos, we are posting some archive images. Here is a trio of carved wooden cats from Sant'Antonino Fair of last June.Wooden motorbike, market, Sant'Antonino Fair, LivornoJust talking of wood, another nice piece, probably worth of consideration, is this fine model of a motorbike from the same fair.

See also: Sant'Antonino Fair - Fair Wares


  1. The cat trio is so sweet that you're forgiven:)
    Have a nice Sunday!

  2. Cat people will love the carvings. Can't speak about the bikers, however.

  3. There were definitely craftsmen there who were good with wood. Sometimes you do have to dip back into the archives. Don't sweat it.

  4. Meow, meow kitty cats! Meow, meow! I love wooden toys for kids!

  5. Heck, I'd buy both of those pieces! The motorcyle, especially! What a fine piece of workmanship.

  6. Wonderful craftsmanship in both pieces. I like the cats, but I'd take the motorcycle.

  7. Very creative and nice work. I always admire craftsmanship like this.

  8. Beautiful craftsmanship on the motorbike!

  9. You're forgiven :). This is what I like about a fair. Opportunity to buy some little merchandise like those earrings. They're gorgeous.
    Have a lovely time in French.
