Thursday, June 4, 2009

Surfing & Working

Moby Drea, people at work on a jetty, Porto Mediceo, LivornoUnder the eyes of Tweety, Taz, Bugs Bunny and Duffy Duck, part of the “Porto Mediceo” is slowly changing in a marina as new floating piers for leisure boats are placed on the south side of the harbour.Service boat working at new jetties, Porto Mediceo, LivornoIn one of our first posts we showed this boat, calling it a cartoon boat for its funny look. Now we can see that this is a serious boat: it is used by the divers anchoring the new piers with underwater chains.New jetties, Porto Mediceo, LivornoTwo weeks later the new pier has already some boats, while the electricians are still working on the power pedestals.

Search labels: Moby - ferry


  1. Goodness, does everybody and his grandmother have a boat there?

    Love that first photo!

  2. I remember your previous post about the ferry with the cartoons on it. I think it's nice that the harbours that have been used for industry are being changed into marinas, instead of just being abandoned. Very nice photos.

  3. I love this huge ship with cartoons, it's so cheering. Lovely post:)

  4. Really interesting triplet of photos. The geometry of boats in the last shot, the abandoned shirts and the bare chested men against the cartoon background in the first shot, and the simple beauty of a man at work in that black boat in the center shot tell us so much about the harbor.

  5. Looks a little bit like Fort Lauderdale...lots of boats for sure...

    It's a beautiful harbor and marina, VP! Great photos!

  6. Sailing must be wonderful this time of year.

  7. Great photos, all of them! The cartoon boat looks amazing, never seen one like it :-)

  8. Same question with Hilda's :). I don't mind that old one in the foreground in the last photo. It's been years I haven't been on a little boat like that.

  9. It looks like they really need more docking space with all those boats!

  10. Is that the pilots boat? He usually helps the big ships get in and out of the harbor.

  11. Busy... busy! The colours are so vibrant, I love these photos!

  12. @ Hilda & henny - At least 5000 boats of every size are moored in the Fossi. At least another thousand in different locations inside the Porto Mediceo. Several hundreds more in different marinas along the coast.

    @ Halcyon - This is a workhorse, I posted something about pilots few days ago.
