Friday, June 5, 2009

Ardenza Stadium

Security cameras, light tower, Ardenza Stadium, LivornoThis strange creature is not some kind of robot, but a simple juxtaposition of two security cameras and one of the light towers at the stadium of Livorno. You could not guess who let me inside: my friend Stefano.The field, Ardenza Stadium, LivornoThe stadium hosts the home games of the Livorno football team and has a capacity of 20.000 seats lowered to 15.000 for UEFA matches.Ardenza Stadium, LivornoThe stadium was built in the 30's between the southern border of Livorno and the quarter of Ardenza, just in front of the National Naval Academy. Projected by the architect Raffaello Brizzi, it was the first building in reinforced concrete ever built in town.
Old postcard Ardenza Stadium, LivornoIt was inaugurated in 1933 still unfinished, in a tipically italian way, and dedicated to Edda Ciano Mussolini, the daughter of the Duce. Works ended at last in 1934.
On the end of the last war, with the arrival of the American troops, it was quickly renamed “Yankee Stadium”.Bust of Armando Picchi, Ardenza Stadium, LivornoCommonly known as “Ardenza”, in 1990 was officially named “Armando Picchi”, honoring the Livornese football champion that won three National Titles, two Champions League Cups e two Intercontinental Cups as Captain of the “Grande Inter”.Ardenza Stadium, LivornoIn 1947 Livorno was demoted in Second Division and only in 2004 the team was back in “Serie A” (First Division). The “first fan” Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, then President of the Italian Republic, was present at the first match played in the top division.


  1. I would never have thought a stadium's history could be interesting too!

    I wouldn't mind watching games from that deck in your last photo.

  2. I love the first photo. It does look like a robot. The stadium looks very nice and interesting history also. Have a great weekend.

  3. You are happy, such a historical team is in your city.

  4. That first photo does look like a robot! hehe

  5. Fascinating story buttressed by excellent photographic work...methinks you're gonna have to buy dinner for your friend, Stefano!

    I love the old photo juxtaposed amidst your own...

  6. Your friend Stefano is areally good friend! I like the first photo it's funny but to be honest with you I'm not very fond of stadiums - well I live near one which is difficult sometimes!

  7. @ Jacob - Stefano reads these pages and comments...

    @ joo - I confess that this is my first time inside a football stadium.

  8. Great photos! It would be nice to watch a match there:)

  9. Great post! You'll have to take us there when it's full!

  10. Nice bunch of photos. That guy Stefano (fantastic name btw), sure seems to have access to a lot of interesting places.

  11. The Historical background of "Ardenza Stadium" is amazing....

    To be honest, the photos are very nice.
    good job:)

  12. A fun and enlightening tour thru the past, well done on the set of photos. RE names of the stadium, change seems to be the only constant.

  13. Colours and patterns. A sunny celebration.
