Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Neverending Ship

Container ship Maersk Douglas, IMO 9297876, tugboat Pierluigi Neri, port of LivornoThe tugboat “Pierluigi Neri” is slowly towing the 294 meter “Maersk Douglas” out of the port of Livorno. The ship is built precisely to the Panamax standard limit: the maximum length allowed in the lock chambers of the Panama Canal is 294.1 meters. Container ship Maersk Douglas, IMO 9297876, port of LivornoThe same cargo ship few moments later, passing behind the “castle” of the pilots of the port.

See also: pilots
External links: Panamax (Wikipedia)
Search labels: port - tug


  1. The first one looks fantastic but I love the second picture more - there are so many stories behind it!

  2. That building-like structure is part of the ship?! In the first photo, I thought it was a building behind the ship! That thing is massive!

  3. Nicely done, these. I particularly like the perspective on the second.

  4. Just amazing how big some of these ships are.

  5. From the second photo, I can't imagine it's a part of a super long ship.

  6. Such great had me smiling from the get-go...

    That's the trouble with some ship owners, however: You give 'em an inch and they take 294 meters!

    A very looooong ship!

    Have a fun and interesting and joyful day, VP!

  7. That's pretty neat. I didn't know there were standards for the canals and such, but it obviously makes sense!

  8. Very long ship.
    Nice photos in the port!
