Sunday, June 28, 2009

Inside Santa Maria

Inside Santa Maria del Soccorso church, LivornoFew days ago I passed near the church of Santa Maria del Soccorso and found it open, but the light wasn't there and the sky was cloudy, so this is the most I got from an 800 ISO.Inside Santa Maria del Soccorso church, LivornoYou can clearly see the naves, with the central altar in the apse.Inside Santa Maria del Soccorso church, Livorno We are under the dome looking at the left altar of the transept, the main altar is on our right.
Inside Santa Maria del Soccorso church, LivornoThe right altar of the transept, while we are still under the dome. As a personal note this is the church where, long time ago, I received my First Communion.


  1. great photos and information to see another wonderful historic place

  2. It's a beautiful and peaceful church. I find it amazing, and wonderful, that it does not show its modern accoutrements — you know, like microphones, speakers and such. That's one of my pet peeves with our churches. The worst thing is the big white screen in some of them.

    I hope you have good memories of your first communion. All I can remember about mine was that there were so many big people!

  3. Beautiful church. I like especially the first photo.

  4. Huge church, very nice interior and very good photos in spite of the lightening problems! Nice work VP!


  5. You really convey a sense of the size and beauty of the church with this series of shots.

  6. Excellent shots if it was pretty dark. It's a beautiful, very Italian church or so it seems to me ;-)

  7. Worth the wait. A beautiful building inside and out.

  8. How wonderful to find a post that has historical significance for your country and you personally. Thanks for adding the tidbit about your relationship to the church!

    PS. I added this comment to my blog in response to your commentary on my Iran Support post today, and here it is: ADDED LATER-In response to a question re. the photo, I found several on Google images, which I assumed are NOT copyrighted, selected two and superimposed them on one another.

  9. Each of thse photos are stunning.

  10. Wonderful photos. What a great place.

  11. I like the simplicity in architecture and adornment.

  12. It is a beautiful looking church. Very interesting that you had your First Communion there.

  13. There are three altars. Didn't know that before. I don't see seats in the nave, or is it a large empty space between the altar and the seat? First Communion, it must have been one of the thrilling yet nervous moment for a child.

  14. WOW. That looks really impressive. A beutiful church for a First Communion :-)

  15. I left a comment earlier - but it would help if I typed the Word Ver...
    This is my favorite kind of post - something beautiful and that has personal ties to the person. Well done in ISO800. The church seems very airy on the inside but more solid on the outside.
    Is the 1st statue of St Michaels? My mother's family is Serbian and their "family" saint's day (for Slava) is St. Michaels.

  16. This is a beautiful series. I like the second one, especially, because of the repeating pattern and the gold just at the top of the photo. It almost looks like it's part black& white, part color.
