Monday, June 29, 2009

Il Pescatore

Il Pescatore by Mino Trafeli, Livorno“Il Pescatore” (The fisherman) is a bronze statue by Mino Trafeli, placed in 1957 on the Lungomare of Ardenza. The man looks relaxed but pensive, watching the sea beyond the seafront promenade.Il Pescatore by Mino Trafeli, LivornoPeople take good care of the fisherman and in winter they put on him a pair of socks, a scarf or a bobble hat. Last year someone placed an old TV just in front of the statue, in case the “pescatore” got bored.


  1. In fact, there's a touch of 1957 in that hair style! :)

  2. I like this kind of statues - he is a perfect example:)
    have a nice week!

  3. :)), has someone ever tried to talk to him, in case he needs a talk? I wonder why the artist made him closed his mouth?

  4. He appears to be a lazy fisherman. Hope you don't have a heat wave, no telling what the people will do;suntan lotion, beach umbrella?

  5. What a great statue. I've never seen one quite like it. I like the two angles you give us and I love that people dress him in warm clothes for the winter and have added things for him to look at. It's the sort of art that really engages the viewer. It uses its audience to extend the creative process, a sort of on-going dialogue between artist and viewer.

  6. LOL! You must take photos of him when he's all dressed up!

    Pensive… and I thought he was stifling a laugh!

  7. Wonderful statue and I hope to see pictures of him with his socks and hat when winter comes.
    Very nice post.

  8. This is so funny! I'm glad you saw it...I thought Pescatore was watching the dolphins play and trying to suppress a giggle...

    Great post, VP!

  9. That's hilarious! You'll have to go back in the winter and show us.

    He looks like he's covering his mouth to laugh to me. But I like the statue whatsoever!

  10. Hmmm it's not how I'd imagine a fisherman statue looking, but hey, each to their own and all that ;-)

    I'd love to see a picture of the statue in socks, hat etc!

  11. Don't laugh please but I thought he was going to be sick. ;-)

  12. What a fun and intersting stature. I imagine lots of people want their photo taken with him.

  13. Haha, it seems to be that people in Livorno are really creative!:)

  14. The expression he has is very realistic. I've seen people on the Adriatic with the same hand position but usually when playing chess on the beach. I'm looking forward to seeing the seasonal "additions" to Il Pescatore. The TV idea is so funny and imaginative.

  15. Hello there pescatore. I like the added street art every now and then.

  16. Una posa veramente originale per una statua. Sembra stia trattenendo una sana risata.
    Come Hilda anch'io resto in attesa di vederlo con sciarpa e calzini!

  17. I love this sculpture , nice and dfunny to see him with socks or watching tv ;)

  18. These are great. He looks like he trying to think of something to do. It must be funny when people "adorn" him with things like socks and hats.

  19. Lots of such interaction here as well. Statues get mittens and what-not.
