Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fisherman's Friend

Sparrow, Porto Mediceo, LivornoNo menthol lozenges involved here, and these friends are not disinterested. Every time I wander to the far side of the Elba or Capitaneria piers in the “Porto Mediceo”, I see these birds chirping and waiting just on the edge of the jetty.Fisherman, Porto Mediceo, LivornoThis is a favourite spot for fishermen and, now and then, the little birds get some bait throwed at them, just for fun or to keep them quiet. They eat the small worms voraciously, but this part I'm not going to illustrate here.


  1. Hi Vogon !! Your friend is really very beautiful !! Great Post...Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  2. I love both of these shots and by posting them together you tell an eloquent story in both photos and words. Great post.

  3. Sounds like our dog at the dinner table ;)

  4. I love pictures like the fisherman and his little friend. You have a good I to spot this.
    Also I plan to post the prison pictures on monday.

  5. Cute! Thanks for not showing the death-of-the-worm scene! :-)

  6. Very good. A nice change of pace. A scene that can be repeated all around the world.

  7. These are great shots. I really like the old guy at the dock. How nice to dream away your days fishing? :)

  8. Very cute. In Florida we have the pelicans who pester the fisher people to death...and the gulls, well, they'll take bait right out of your hand!

    Have a great weekend, VP!

  9. D'in su la vetta della torre antica,
    Passero solitario, alla campagna
    Cantando vai finchè non more il giorno;
    Ed erra l'armonia per questa valle.
    Primavera dintorno
    Brilla nell'aria, e per li campi esulta,
    Sì ch'a mirarla intenerisce il core.
    Odi greggi belar, muggire armenti;
    Gli altri augelli contenti, a gara insieme

  10. This is an image full of poetry (fortunately the worms are not seen ...)

  11. Just to offer the English version of the verses from “Il passero solitario” by Giacomo Leopardi, quoted above by my friend Stefano. Yes, that Stefano.

    Thou from the top of yonder antique tower,
    O lonely sparrow, wandering, hast gone,
    Thy song repeating till the day is done,
    And through this valley strays the harmony.
    How Spring rejoices in the fields around,
    And fills the air with light,
    So that the heart is melted at the sight!
    Hark to the bleating flocks, the lowing herds!
    In sweet content, the other birds...

  12. Little opportunistic creatures aren't they!

  13. I like the first photo as it is so nice...

  14. Your friend is adorable. Nice close up shot.

  15. The bird is so sweet:) Great capture:)

  16. Looks like this little fellow is having a bad feather day , or something similar...
