Friday, June 26, 2009

Barriera Garibaldi

Barriera Garibaldi, Garibaldi Gate, LivornoOpened in 1837, the “Barriera Fiorentina” (Florentine Barrier) was the first passage built in the new Leopoldine Walls. It was a barrier and not a gate because, placed on the main road, it was open even at night.Barriera Garibaldi, Garibaldi Gate, LivornoOn the city side, in a traffic island, stands an obelisk dedicated to Leopold II of Tuscany. People call it “la guglia”, or the spire.Barriera Garibaldi, Garibaldi Gate, LivornoFacing out, two decorated pediments stand on top of each building on the sides of the barrier. “Barriera Fiorentina” became “Barriera Garibaldi” in 1889, but the neighbouring zone is still commonly called “Fiorentina”.Barriera Garibaldi, Garibaldi Gate, LivornoThis is the usual location of the Sant'Antonino Fair.

See also: Leopoldine Walls - Sant'Antonino Fair
External links: Leopold II of Tuscany (Wikipedia)


  1. The first photo with obelisk is superb and of course I love details:)

  2. How can it even be a barrier if it was always open?

    Fascinating history and details though. Love the contrast between the subjects of the two pediments. Of course, it's the more peaceful one that I like, despite the damage to it.

    [I had to look up the meaning of pediment. Thank you! Now I have a word for that triangular thing. I've always wondered what it was called!]

  3. I like that first photo - it's very strong...

    And you seem able to come up with the most interesting posts. Thanks for the historical commentary...

  4. @ Hilda - I had to look up pediment too and I am not yet sure that it is the right word.
    It was always open because it was a barrier were duties were paid for merchandise imported into Livorno, it was called dazio and was still there when I was a kid.

    @ Jacob - You are always too kind, thank you!

  5. Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  6. The details are superb. No blue sky? ;-)

  7. Thanks for sharing. It looks like a very nice place and I love your pictures.

  8. I keep coming back to these photos but still unsure which one is the barrier. First photo is supposed to be the second?

  9. @ henny - You are right, the second photo is the old barrier seen from outside the walls. The first is seen from inside, where the obelisk is.

  10. Got it now, thanks. I'm a member of Pet Socety, that's why :).
