Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pious Place

Deconsecrated church of the Luogo Pio, Piazza del Luogo Pio, Livorno
Deconsecrated church of the Luogo Pio (Pious Place) by Giovanni del Fantasia, built in 1715. This building, recently restored, will also be part of the Civic Museum. (Already posted on Instagram)
Chiesa sconsacrata del Luogo Pio, di Giovanni del Fantasia, costruita nel 1715. Anche questo edificio, restaurato di recente, farà parte del Museo Civico. (Già pubblicato su Instagram)


  1. I think I should find this pretty but although it's interesting I find it a little overwhelming; claustrophobic.

  2. Those angels must be happy to have a new lease on life.
