Monday, March 6, 2017


Piazza della Vittoria, Livorno
It feels like yesterday when we were celebrating our our 2,000th post, and here is our 3,000th one. In more than eight years we never missed a day, showing you the good and sometimes the bad of our city. Thanks to all of you who keep following us!
Sembra ieri quando stavamo festeggiando il nostro duemillesimo post, ed eccoci a quello numero tremila! In più di otto anni non abbiamo mai saltato un giorno, mostrandovi il bello ed a volte anche il brutto della nostra città. Grazie a tutti voi che continuate a seguirci!

See also: Harshad Number - 2000!
Vedi anche: Numero di Harshad - 2000!


  1. Congrats, that is quite a milestone!!

  2. 3000 volte felicitazioni! Ogni giorno per noi è un piacere scoprire vostre nuove immagini, continuate così.


    I still pop in and take a look at your city from time to time.

    It is on my wish list to see as many other beautiful places in Italy.

    Thanks for sharing!

    I have enjoyed so many of your postings over the years.

  4. Mazal tov on this big milestone! You must be the most faithful city blogger on the web, never having missed one day! Thanks for all the time and work you put into sharing your city by the sea.

  5. Congratulations and lots of joy in the future!
