Sunday, February 5, 2017

White Bike

Ghost bike, road victims, Via della Cinta Esterna, Livorno
A ‘ghost bike’ in Via della Cinta Esterna, a memorial dedicated to road victims. (Already posted on Instagram)
Una bicicletta bianca in via della Cinta Esterna, un memoriale dedicato alle vittime della strada.
(Già pubblicato su Instagram)

See also: Ghost Bike - Destroyed Ghost Bike
External links: Ghost bike (Wikipedia)
Vedi anche: Bici bianca - Bici bianca distrutta
Link esterni: Bici fantasma (Wikipedia)


  1. I'm a bit divided about these. On the one hand, people have the right to grieve, but on the other, at a certain point, when should they be removed? They become a visual distraction in and of themselves- and could lead to another cyclist or a pedestrian getting hit.

  2. We have crosses/flowers/etc, on the road sides here.

  3. It is so sad to see these ghost bikes showing where a cyclist has been killed by a motorist. A real tragedy.
