Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Lift of Castelletto

Lift of Castelletto, Genova
The lift of Castelletto, in Genoa, so much loved by the Livornese poet Giorgio Caproni.

“Quando mi sarò deciso d'andarci, in paradiso
ci andrò con l'ascensore di Castelletto”
(When I decide to go to heaven,
I’ll take the Castelletto lift)
(Giorgio Caproni, L'ascensore)

External links: Giorgio Caproni (Wikipedia)


  1. The most beautiful city elevator I've ever seen. I agree with your poet.

  2. Yes, very impressive! I believe the closest we've come to this was in Quebec, but this one is definitely the most beautiful!

  3. Incredibile, non sapevo esistesse! Chissà panorama da lassù...ciao, Arianna
