Monday, February 1, 2016

Theme Day: Scene from a Coffee House

Vending machines, Via Antonio da Sangallo, Livorno
Scene from a coffee house of the future...


  1. *smile* It looks as if it could close and trap you any minute.
    Unfortunately there are already too many of these coffee machines around, at universities for example. I don't know how they brew the coffee, must be an instant version I guess. Hard to resist if there's nothing also to be found during those mini-breaks between lectures.

  2. I certainly will miss the human touch. :-)

  3. Very funny. OMG, I hope you're kidding! My experience has been that any coffee from a vending machine is pure crap.

  4. It is obviously a joke: I am not a fan of old-fashioned coffee houses or bars, but these things are really ugly and often quite dirty...

  5. Oh dear, I think the future might be here already! Nice one!

  6. I prefer the coffee shop with a real mug and a comfy chair!

  7. Very interesting and very unappealing. I like to smell the odor of coffee brewing as well as the faces of people enjoying a good brew in a relaxing setting.Wonderful choice to show the diversity.

  8. I'm not sure I like that, but at least there are many choices!

  9. Ooh. I do hope that isn't the future.

  10. Just like Jim, I hope this is not the future.
    I like nice coffee places where there are people working, a nice place to sit, tasty food and good coffee:)

  11. You're a visionary. I hope not true. I like to stay in a pleasant place for a coffe.

  12. No! Say it isn't true. The automatron!

    I think we want our coffee houses to socialize.


  13. The future is looking very scary, VP!

  14. I prefer the the human touch, VP !

  15. Well when you're desperate for a coffee any port in a storm might do :) Fun find for the theme VP!

  16. Ha, good one, VP!
    Ah, but can the machine make latte art?

    Funny, they just announced today that our Minister of Health is pushing to get Cofix vending machines into hospitals. Drinks and snacks for only 5 shekels (~$1.25) each. The first machines debuted in a hospital in Tel Aviv.
    Apparently the kiosk and cafe food sold in hospitals is very expensive, and this is the new alternative.

  17. Great choice for the theme. Thinking outside the box, so to speak. I like that. As for the quality of the coffee, who cares? The theme was a scene from a coffee shop and this qualifies and it's original.

  18. I'd have to be desperate to use one of these but then they put them in places where there aren't any other choices.

  19. Sei stato originale :) in effetti ce ne sono diversi anche a Lucca...ciao, Arianna

  20. Gerald - You are absolutely right!

  21. Well, the colors are great! But that illustration of a croissant at the top does not look appetizing.
