Saturday, February 13, 2016

Colorful Towels

Colorful towels, Porta a Mare, Livorno
An assortment of colorful towels on display outside a store at the Porta a Mare shopping center.

See also: A New Shopping Center


  1. The gold towels remind me of my school colors.

  2. I'll take some of the lavender ones please!

  3. I like this kind photos. This is really nice photo with all these colors.

  4. A nice attractive display. Glad it attracted you enough to take this picture.
    What IS it about rolled towels that makes them more fun to look at than flat folded ones?

  5. Pretty! Your image reminds me of the yarn shelves in my craft room. :)

  6. When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought they were skeins of yarn but that's probably because we bought yarn for our kitties to play with thinking that would keep them from chewing up Lois' artificial plants. But no....

    Very colorful display of towels! And one of the things I've discovered in life is that you can never have enough towels!
