Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Lantana camara

Lantana camara, Parterre, Livorno
It seems that this beautiful plant, which I saw at the Parterre, has several downsides: it is considered an invasive species, it could be toxic to animals, but it is really loved by bees and birds.

External links: Lantana camara - Invasive species (Wikipedia)
See also: Parterre


  1. It might be invasive, but it is beautiful!

  2. Yes, beautiful and toxic...
    Nice macro, VP !

  3. Would be fun to shoot a few macro photos of this very colorful flower.

  4. It has beautiful flowers, that's for sure!
    I remember watching an old Australian movie called "Lantana", I quite liked it.

  5. I wouldn't mind if it invaded here. What a crazy and beautiful flower!

  6. Lantana is everywhere here in Arizona. It's used in landscaping around here quite a bit because it blooms all the time and it can withstand the heat.

  7. I think Lantanas are beautiful and luckily for me it's too cold here north of Toronto for them to be invasive.

  8. We have had some yellow plants like this ... and they were also toxic but grew like weeds. I think some think they are weeds. Pretty, though!

  9. Pretty though! And if the bees like them...

  10. I love lantana, I never knew it was invasive! It attracts lots of butterflies. :)

  11. Well, if it's invasive, replace it with another bee and bird friendly plant. We need the bees...

    I agree with you about Vigée-Lebrun's painting!

  12. I'm not sure I have seen it before. It's very pretty!

  13. I think it is considered invasive here VP but I still have it in my garden because it's pretty, tough, dry weather and heat resistant but you have to let it know who's boss :)
