Thursday, November 5, 2015

Caption Wanted

Planters, Via Magenta, Livorno
Please write in a creative way your own caption for this photo, taken in Via Magenta last July.


  1. Brunhilda always had a way of killing plants, while her sister Esperanza could always be counted on to bring out the best.

    Hence the whole Brunhilda throttling Esperanza while screaming "Mom always loved you more!" incident of 2009.

  2. The leaves are always greener on the plant next door.

  3. Autumn arrives and takes gradual involvement.

  4. Caption: "Planter Talk"

    1. Planter on left. "Hello, there! You're looking good today. Do you remember the year you were planted on this wall? And how is it that I've never noticed you before today?

    2. Planter on right: "You've not noticed me because you've been looking at all the beautiful young flowers planted across the street. I've been here forever it seem. But you're looking a little worse for the wear. Perhaps you ought to get watered?

  5. My gardening touch vs. my neighbor's gardening touch.

  6. Hmmm... let's see.
    1. Planted dead.
    2. Survivor.

  7. Revrunner and I had a similar idea! ;) I was gong to say: "Wanted - Dead or Alive!"

  8. It's not about the location more about the love :)

  9. Water and love make the difference.
