Friday, August 14, 2015

From Miramare to the Blue Shed

Miramare seen from the sea, Antignano, Livorno
Coming north along the rocky coast we reach Miramare, where the urban part of Livorno begins with the quarter of Antignano. Up on the hill we can see the ruins of Ciano's mausoleum. [Photo by Maurizio]
Grand Hotel Palazzo, Pancaldi and Piazza Matteotti high rise seen from the sea, Livorno
Further north, a view from the sea of the Grand Hotel Palazzo with the Pancaldi sea resort in foreground and the high rise of Piazza Matteotti in background. [Photo by Maurizio]
Scoglio della Regina, Livorno
The refurbished complex of the “Scoglio della Regina” and the eyesore of the big blue shed. [Photo by Maurizio]

See also: The Castle's Jetty - The Calignaia Bridge - Boccale & Calafuria - Walk... on Water
- Miramare - Ciano's Mausoleum - Hotel Palazzo - Piazza Matteotti - Almost Finished - The Big Blue Shed


  1. That hill really draws my attention! Beautiful weather you're having.

  2. Ah, the Big Blue again--already a fixture on this urban landscape. :-)

  3. Thank you for the tour, VP. I still have some hope that we will appreciate Big Blue eventually.

  4. Despite the blue shed, I enjoy seeing the city from a water point-of-view.

  5. Looks very nice.

    I have a friend who will go on a cruise and visit Livorno too, next month, so of course I had to tell her about your blog:)

  6. I would enjoy to visit this place, one day...

  7. The waterfront is quite attractive in spite of that big blue building. ;) A mausoleum up on a hill must not get many visitors...or does it?

  8. Bit of a marked contrast between the grand hotel and the big blue shed VP :) We all have our least favourite projects oui :)

  9. Save me one of those chairs and pass the lotion.

  10. I love the cruise along the shore.

  11. Tina - The mausoleum was intended for the family of a local Fascist leader and was obviously left unfinished after the end of the war.

  12. You could call that water Big Blue too!

  13. I'd forgotten about the mausoleum. Love these views, they make me want to sail the Tuscan coast!
